Soham Vaidya

Data enthusiast | Software & Web Developer
MSc. Data Science | Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Engineering)

Face Mask Detection and Alert system using Raspberry Pi

Capstone Project

Your daily day planner Website using Django framework

Created a Website which has user authentication, signup, login,reset password pages. Open weather API, HTML, CSS, JS , REST and Django Framework is used to create this website.

Intermediate Portfolio Manager Android Application

Android application created using Android Studio , Java , iText library. Client needs to login by entering the password after that client must enter all the details and then the automatically filled form with the client details will be saved inside the Internal Storage (concept of fillable PDFs) is used here. Another View Client Button is for the Administrator in which after the administrator logs in with the password they get the list of all Client PDFs they have saved in their mobile phone. The admin also has the option of Opening or Deleting any client's PDF.

Student Management System using Java & Hibernate Framework

Student management system using Java, GUI, Hibernate Framework & Oracle database.

Student Management System using Python & Data Science

student Management System using Python , data visualization & SQLite database.

MCQ Exam Website using Webflow and Typeform

This website is made using No-code technology called as Webflow and Typeform. This website will help you test your knowledge of web development so you can more comfortably build your organization's business-critical applications.

Login and Registration system using Django and MySQL

Login and Registration system made using Django Framework and MySQL Database.


A tool for analyzing text data in django backend.

Soham's Personal Site/CV using HTML

Soham's Personal Site/CV created using HTML.

Soham's Personal Site/CV Version 2 using HTML and CSS

Soham's Personal Site/CV version 2 created using HTML and CSS.


Tinder for dogs created using HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap.